At the place where she lived the cruel law could not be put in force against Hermia, this law not extending beyond the boundaries of the city. 在她住的地方,不能对赫米亚施行这条残酷的法律,因为出了城界它就无效了。
Dr Manette told the Tribunal that he had been a prisoner in the Bastille for eighteen years, and that his son-in-law was now a prisoner in La Force. 马内特医生告诉审判团他曾经在巴士底狱当了18年的囚徒,而现在他的女婿在拉弗尔斯蹲监狱。
The object of the Company is to engage in any act or activity that is not prohibited under any law for the time being in force in the British virgin Islands. 公司有权经营英属维京群岛现行法律不禁止的任何事项。(该表述我见过,但在中国成立JV建议不要使用,以免审批时有障碍。)
The new law will soon come in force. 新的法律将很快生效。
The law is effective immediately; a warranty good for two years; the law is already in effect ( or in force). 这一法律立即生效;两年内有效的担保;这一法律已经生效了。
They use copyright law, which is still in force despite its inappropriateness for computer networks, as an excuse to stop scientists from choosing new rules. 他们利用版权法,并以此作为借口阻止科学家选择新的规定。这种做法依然十分有效,尽管它不适合于计算机网络。
A request for assistance may be refused if such execution would be in conflict with the internal law or international law in force in the requested Contracting Party. 如执行请求可能违背被请求缔约方的现行域内法或与适用于该缔约方的国际条约相悖,则可拒绝执行协助请求。
A trademark law and a patent law have been promulgated and put in force. On June 1, 1991, a copyright law went into effect. 中国先后颁布和实施了商标法和专利法,1991年6月1日又开始实施著作权法。
The crisis that the war against Iraq brought to the international law is the concentrated reflection of the contradiction between the international law in force and contemporary international society. 伊拉克战争所导致的国际法危机,是现行国际法与当代国际社会之间矛盾的集中反映。
Generalization of the gravity law in an inverse n-order force field Working in the theater has always been attractive to her. 引力定理在n次方反比力场中的推广对于在剧场工作,她常感到机具吸引力。
Problems Existed in Law of Bankruptcy in Force& about perfecting the law system of bankruptcy 现行破产法律制度若干问题的思考&兼论破产法律制度的完善
The new Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Law putting in force and environmental monitoring data being confronted with trial 新《大气污染防治法》施行,环境监测数据面临考验
Put it is the vague guiding ideology, rough legislation contend and the judicial explanation violated legal principal of our law in force that lead to some theory conflicts and judicial problems. 但是,由于我国现行立法指导思想模糊不清、立法内容粗疏和原则、司法解释有违法理,结果导致了诸多理论冲突和司法实践难题。
There are many factors supporting to channel into the principle of proportionality in china, such as traditional thought of china, the theory of balance in administrative law, the stipulation of law in force and the concerned case in justice practice. 该部分认为我国的传统思想、行政法中的平衡论、现行法的规定以及司法实践中的有关案例等方面都为我国引入比例原则提供了支撑点。
The motion law of unstable state process in periodicity force of different frequency is studied respectively, by means of the method of two same direction oscillation superposition, and by the fact that unstable state process of forced oscillation is composed of damped oscillation and constant amplitude oscillation. 根据受迫振动的暂态过程是由阻尼振动和等幅振动两部分组成,本文应用两个同方向振动合成的方法,分别研究了在强迫力不同频率情况下暂态过程的运动规律。
The fact that China's copyright law in force emphasizes protection of the personal rights of authors truly has its necessity and rationality. However, this feature may also hinder circulation of information and development of cultural industry. 中国现行著作权法极其强调对作者人格的保护,固然有其必然性和合理性,但也很可能在不同程度上阻碍信息流通以及文化产业的发展。
The object of the criminal law judicial interpretation must be limited strictly, which must be confined to the criminal law in force. 对刑法司法解释的对象应当严格限制,只限于现行刑法规范,对于外部辅助资料的运用只能作为法官逻辑推理的理论指导。
Started from the tendency of e-bills market and enactment and enforcement of electronic signatures law, the conflict between e-bills and the theory of commerce instrument law in force was analyzed from four aspects such as written form, original document, signature and effect of evidence. 以电子票据市场发展动态及《电子签名法》的颁布实施为切入点,从书面形式、原件、签章、证据效力四个方面具体分析电子票据与现行《票据法》理论的冲突所在;
The civilization of civil law is the basement of modern civil law, from which found out the standpoint of putting the civil law in force. 私法社会化是现代民法的理论基础,还在于它从法与社会的关系中找到了私法施行的立足点:社会。
Land is one of the most important resources. A series of regulations on land protection have been laid down in our law system in force, but it is proved to be impractical. 土地是最重要的资源,我国现行法律制度对土地保护作了一系列的规定,但现实效果并不理想。
Since China entered WTO, some stipulations in the foreign investment law in force have become incongruous with WTO Agreement. 入世后,我国现行的对外资的待遇制度已经与WTO协定表现出明显的不一致。
Collective economy organizations can't become delegate of collective land ownership because it is very disorder in actuality and law in force. 集体经济组织在现实中和立法上都非常混乱,不适宜作为集体土地所有权行使代表。
Fourth, the law in force is lack of regulations on origin and remedy about cancellation of the legacy-support agreement. 再则,缺少对遗赠扶养协议的解除事由和救济方法的规定。
Meanwhile, analyze the nature of right and the restrictive conditions, and then seek for the protective tail of graves in county and village in the conflict of common law and written law in force. 文章试图从法权层面具体分析乡村墓葬群存在之必要性、合理性,同时解析其权利性质及其限制性条件,进而于习惯法与现行成文法相互冲突中寻求对乡村墓葬群的保护路径。
Chapter one mainly discusses the contents of shareholders 'decision rights in UK company law in force. 第一章介绍英国公司法中股东决策权的内容。
The new Anti-Monopoly Law in China, put in force on August 1st, 2008, without a doubt, will exert regulative influences on franchises and related practices. 而最新出台的《反垄断法》自2008年8月1日起正式施行,这对于商业特许经营在我国的实践和发展都将产生巨大的规制作用。
The link between law and land ownership can not only illustrate and analyze the law in reality, but also force and accelerate the reasonable evolution of land possession system. 法律同土地所有权之间的连接,不仅能够说明和分析现实中的法律,而且能推动和促进土地制度的合理变迁。
By now, Food Safety Law in China has been in force for almost two years. The rule of tenfold compensation, as the focused and controversial rule since the legislation of Food Safety Law, has encountered all kinds of problems and undergone much questioning. 迄至当下,我国食品安全法实施已近两年,作为自食品安全法立法以来就备受关注且颇受争议的十倍赔偿规定,在实施过程中亦遭受种种挫折和诸多质疑。
Third, obligations and rights of the legacy-support agreement are described so generally on law in force. "To support the alive and to bury the death" is highly abstract and goes against the realization of rights and obligations. 再次,现行法对遗赠扶养切议的权利义务内容的规定过于笼统,生养死葬的高度概括不利于具体权利义务的落实。